Water and Sand is a journey through essential elements. Is about capturing and highlighting natural resources in a way that we usually don't see them. The water vibrations or sand explosions make us realize that we belong to a world that can be explored in so many ways. Where there is still a rhythm and beauty to be discovered.

In a time where we live connected to our electronic devices in a constant and addictive way, our body and mind adapt to new forms of communication and relational modes with technology.
The series Isolation Mode explores the mechanism of relation with virtuality, showing the mental dimension in which we enter when communicating through these devices and showing the desire for disconnection and isolation that we can experience.
The idea of entering into another dimension between the organic and the digital, between natural and artificial or between fictitious and palpable. An ambiguous and conceptual route in the form of a welcoming portal that hides and highlights the controversial relationship that humans have with devices.
All images © Laia Gutierrez, photographer and visual artist from Barcelona, Spain.